
And they lived happily ever after

  • Cantine Ravazzi

Cantine Ravazzi

At Palazzone, a small village of San Casciano dei Bagni, the family  Ravazz...

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  • Carlo Donati Sartoria

Carlo Donati Sartoria

Haute couture from Arezzo. Civic pride and national also. Yes, because the great...

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  • Cenci Noleggi

Cenci Noleggi

"For over 40 years the company Cenci is specialized in the sale and rental of mo...

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  • Cenerentola a nozze

Cenerentola a nozze

Elegance and heel is a real pleasure: high, slow but sure. In 2013, the heel is ...

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  • Centro Servizi Eventi

Centro Servizi Eventi

Service Center EventsYour wedding onlt 99,00 Euro per person (min, 100 people): ...

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  • Centro Sposi Paradiso

Centro Sposi Paradiso

In Milan, a center of services for the wedding. Bride, Groom and Ceremonies. Ove...

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