Il cuore grande di A.M.I.R.A.

Il cuore grande di A.M.I.R.A.

The great heart of A.M.I.R.A.

Years pass, the restaurant business has evolved a lot, but the figure of the dining room staff, especially for restaurants that want to maintain a certain level, it is still crucial.
“The Secret of this professionalism is L 'A.M.I.R.A. (Association Maitres Italian Restaurants and Hotels) historical group organized today of 50 sections on a national scale that has contributed over 65 years to the the growth of quality restaurant

The modern room as it should be?
The maitre d 'or manager of Sala must also be an entrepreneur, not only of themselves but also of the local to which its destiny is inexorably linked. He must be able to administer and keep the accounts for the continued investment that requires the restaurant. We think of wine purchases, seasonality  flows of customers, the major problem of waste and scrap.
Modern hospitality activity aims not only the cuisine but also the territory that needs to be told and explained by those who welcome. So, you must know well the logic of combinations based on profound knowledge of the dishes not only wine. Of course, in an economy in which it operates mostly on word of mouth, the reception of the customer is crucial, from the moment you enter to the moment they leave the room key. Thus we speak of a maitre manager.

  • Sebastiano Sorrento A.M.I.R.A. Costa Toscana

  • Allievi delle Scuole Alberghiere

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  • Il Sottosegretario alla Giustizia Cosimo Maria Ferri

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  • Alessandro Prota Vice Presidente A.M.I.R.A.

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