A touching evening for “Murielle, Una donna spezzata” at the Ciro Pinsuti in Sinalunga with the very talented Livia Castellana directed by Gianni Poliziani; in the room an attentive audience of women of all ages and men, sparse but there. An evening to reflect, to take notes on addresses and telephone numbers. The evening was offered by the Municipality of Sinalunga represented by Cosetta Pericoli who presented a precious treasure of the Valdichiana: The association amica Donna.
www.associazioneamicadonna.itThe monologue skillfully interpreted by Livia Castellani touched the sensitivity of the entire audience captivated by this woman Murielle, who desperately searches for her place in the darkest moment of her life. Unsatisfied, betrayed by her husband, in a New Year's Eve too invasive with noise and life, Murielle discovers herself by revealing the suicide of her misunderstood daughter, the forced separation from her son, the gangrenous relationship with her mother. The era changes, it is no longer the story of an intellectual from the last century but it is real life, that of today's women revived Murielle: physical aggression, sexual impositions, psychological terrorism, deprivation of all kinds up to femicide. The evening was offered to keep the spotlight on a reality of violence that has no flag. The Amica donna Association legally assists over 80 women in the area: our neighbors, colleagues in our offices, mothers of our children's schoolmates. Unfortunately, no area can be called a "happy island" for women. The watchword is therefore never trivialize, never pretend that that broken scream, that tug barely felt while passing by in a car is a misunderstanding. Our outraged women are guilty of not being the women that society would like them to be and they choose with courage to rebel against rejection, against the forced possession of their lives, surviving forced separations from children and loved ones. Murielle's scream tells our women sisters, that they must not succumb to external violence but even more to the internal tribunal that undermines their self-esteem. Therefore Murielle is a symbol of a seed that we hope will sprout and become enormous, a new conscience that breaks conventional bonds, phobias of perfectionism in wanting to prove to others at all costs to become what others desire. With this theatrical monologue the very talented Livia Castellana has accomplished Simone de Beauvoir's intent admirably, that is to break the hearts of readers/spectators, urging us all to rebel against the social dictates that want us submissive and above all to reinvigorate the right and duty of each of us to cultivate the seed of self-esteem until it becomes a centuries-old oak.
Valentina Niccolai